For information about our services or membership please contact below.
Rick Bradford President. 502 592 9857
Ronald Holbert Vice President
Larry Holbert Secy/Treasurer 502 549 3584
Information about Range Rentals
Rick Bradford 502 592 9857
Information about the Squirrel Shooters
Cathy Ballard 502-827-3360
Don Wilson 502-827-4446
Friday Trap Shoot
Dana Despain 502 827 2231 502 827 2901
Beagle Hunters
Herbert Huff 502 331 1996
Matt Heady 270 268 6400
Also you may use the contact form below...leave name and call back number with an email address
Lincoln Trail Fish and Game Club
PO Box 172
New Haven KY 40051
In an effort to make the range more accessible to our members and instructors..We are limiting classes to 2 weekends a month and they can not be consecutive. Rental of the upper club house has no bearing on this. Any CCDW classes that are held in the upper club house will need use of the range for about an hour in the after noon. Please surrender the range to the class at that time...
Thank You
Lincoln Trail..